a2 Milk
Brand Identity & Guidelines / Brand Extension / Packaging / Digital / Corporate Collateral

A2 Milk is a unique milk brand based on the health benefits of their milk coming from cows that produce only the A2 protein as opposed to regular milk that contains the more complex combination of A1 and A2 proteins.
A2’s visual expression had not kept pace with it’s meteoric rise from boutique domestic New Zealand brand to a hugely successful Australasian one.
Starting with the redesign of the a2 brand mark, we helped modernise and strengthen a2’s unique positioning. We also helped turn a very corporate brand into a more consumer facing one.
We then redesigned their milk range packaging to more clearly communicate the brand’s point of difference, and better express the integrity, freshness and health benefits of their product.
The success of the rebrand has lead to a2 Milk branching out into new categories such as thickened cream and UHT milk. Perhaps the most challenging of these, however, has been the a2 Platinum Infant Formula. Infant formula is a highly emotionally charged category, and the path to purchase for most consumers is far more complex and personal than it is with any other grocery item. The challenge was to introduce a2 into this emotional space in a genuine and immediately credible way. Platinum is being sold in both Australasia and China.