Pure Fruit Sorbet
Brand Identity / Packaging

Pure Food Alliance have a very honest, no-nonsense approach to what they do, so when we were asked to create their new sorbet range made from freshly picked fruit (not reconstituted) it was clear that it needed simple and impactful branding. Sometimes being able to own a brand name is less important than telling it like it is - pure fruit. It’s loud, proud and confident, and tells you all you need to know.
We deliberately pared back the communication on pack to three fundamental elements - brand mark, taste appeal and health claims - simplicity being the key to purity and authenticity.
The romance copy on pack supports the three core health benefits in an engaging and very marketable way through the idea of “Low, High, Free” – low calorie, high fruit content and dairy free.
When it first hit the shelves, Pure Fruit Sorbet sold out in 3 weeks. To say it’s a hit is an understatement. An eye-catching look for an amazingly good product.